Los Angeles Tombstones

Welcome to this page that lets you view hundreds of tombstones in the oldest Jewish cemetery in Los Angeles, called the “Home of Peace.” The tombstones are dated from the 1910s to the present and were digitally photographed by Aron Hasson. This helps people interested in their family history and genealogical research.


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    Last Name First Name Location Row Column Date Image
    SarfatiVictorSection C4141949Victor Sarfati
    SarfatyAronGrass section D561979Aron Sarfaty
    SarfatyIrvingGrass section D462002Irving Sarfaty
    SarfatyMollieGrass section D451974Mollie Sarfaty
    SarfatySophieGrass section D561997Sophie Sarfaty
    SaulIdaEast section E461967Ida Saul
    SaulJacobEast section E921962Jacob Saul
    SaulJennieGrass section D321984Jennie Saul
    SaulJosephGrass section D321974Joseph Saul
    SaulMorrisSection C5221955Morris Saul
    SaulSolomonSection C1191952Solomon Saul
    ScapaBenjaminGrass section D5121972Benjamin Scapa
    ScapaBolesaGrass section D371985Bolesa Scapa
    ScapaMorrisGrass section D371984Morris Scapa
    ScapaPerlaGrass section D5121984Perla Scapa
    SedaccaPaulSection C7121947Paul Sedacca
    SenyIsaacSection C771946Isaac Seny
    SenyRalphSection C5191958Ralph Seny
    SenySarahSection C781943Sarah Seny
    ShahonBenjaminGrass section D4251990Benjamin Shahon
    ShahonBettySection C5211955Betty Shahon
    ShahonMarcusSection C7121943Marcus Shahon
    ShahonRebeccaGrass section D4252008Rebecca Shahon
    SharhonNormanGrass section D3141982Norman Sharhon
    ShemariaIsaacMount Zion221935Isaac Shemaria
    ShemariaLeonGrass section D7241973Leon Shemaria
    ShemariaLevana EleanorGrass section D7332009Levana Eleanor Shemaria
    ShemariaMatildaEast section E931962Matilda Shemaria
    ShemariaRaoulGrass section D7231972Raoul Shemaria
    ShemariaVictoriaSection C271944Victoria Shemaria
    SimkinGaryGrass section D3272005Gary Simkin
    SolamAlbertEast section E441986Albert Solam
    SolamIsaacSection C4241953Isaac Solam
    SolamRoshaSection C3211971Rosha Solam
    SorianoEstherEast section E361960Esther Soriano
    SorianoMorrisMount Zion1131922Morris Soriano
    SorianoRebeccaSection C4261954Rebecca Soriano
    SorianoVitalSection C4181955Vital Soriano
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