Los Angeles Tombstones

Welcome to this page that lets you view hundreds of tombstones in the oldest Jewish cemetery in Los Angeles, called the “Home of Peace.” The tombstones are dated from the 1910s to the present and were digitally photographed by Aron Hasson. This helps people interested in their family history and genealogical research.


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    Last Name First Name Location Row Column Date Image
    AboulafiaJackGrass section D2181997Jack Aboulafia
    AboulafiaSylvia LevyGrass section D2182009Sylvia Levy Aboulafia
    AlcanaMiruGrass section D3262004Miru Alcana
    AldefEleanorGrass section D2151983Eleanor Aldef
    AlhadeffAlbertGrass section D4171977Albert Alhadeff
    AlhadeffAlbertEast section E971961Albert Alhadeff
    AlhadeffCadenSection C1131945Caden Alhadeff
    AlhadeffDavidSection C171940David Alhadeff
    AlhadeffEsther C.Grass section D6172003Esther C. Alhadeff
    AlhadeffHarryEast seciton E561964Harry Alhadeff
    AlhadeffHeskia BenyaminMount Zion section161926Heskia Benyamin Alhadeff
    AlhadeffJack B.Grass section D6171971Jack B. Alhadeff
    AlhadeffJack BohorGrass section D4121992Jack Bohor Alhadeff
    AlhadeffMauriceSection C2141944Maurice Alhadeff
    AlhadeffNissimSection C4281957Nissim Alhadeff
    AlhadeffPeterGrass section D2101983Peter Alhadeff
    AlhadeffRochelleGrass section D3131990Rochelle Alhadeff
    AlhadeffRubenGrass section D7311998Ruben Alhadeff
    AlhadeffSamuelGrass section D3131980Samuel Alhadeff
    AlhadeffSarahSection C2191951Sarah Alhadeff
    AlhadeffSarinaMount Zion section13Sarina Alhadeff
    AlhadeffSolomonGrass section D481975Solomon Alhadeff
    AlhadeffVictorSection C3151956Victor Alhadeff
    AlkanaAlbertEast section E741963Albert Alkana
    AlkanaJennieGrass section D251981Jennie Alkana
    AlmalehMorrisSection C391951Morris Almaleh
    AlmalehRebeccaSection C3101960Rebecca Almaleh
    AlmalehSamSection C3181956Sam Almaleh
    AlmalehSamuelMount Zion section1181937Samuel Almaleh
    AlmoBerthaGrass section D2251994Bertha Almo
    AlmoJackGrass section D2251996Jack Almo
    AltabeClaraGrass section D241990Clara Altabe
    AltabeSolomonGrass section D552004Solomon Altabe
    AltabeVenturaEast section E341960Ventura Altabe
    AltabetEsther TaricaGrass section D142001Esther Tarica Altabet
    AltabetJackEast section E331981Jack Altabet
    AltabetMordo BenGrass section D141984Mordo Ben Altabet
    AlvoLeonSection C481948Leon Alvo
    AmatoAbrahamSection C5231955Abraham Amato
    AmatoDavidSection C6161953David Amato
    AmatoEstreaEast section E631966Estrea Amato
    AmatoJoyaSection C6171989Joya Amato
    AmatoLeahSection C381966Leah Amato
    AngelJakeSection C341948Jake Angel
    AngelLeaSection C7141943Lea Angel
    AngelMorrisSection C6211954Morris Angel
    AngelMorrisGrass section D151985Morris Angel
    AngelRachelSection C341964Rachel Angel
    AngelRachelGrass section D151989Rachel Angel
    AngelSamMount Zion section171925Sam Angel
    AngelStevenSection C4231955Steven Angel
    ArditteVictoriaSection C531941Victoria Arditte
    AroughDagmarSection C5261954Dagmar Arough
    AroughettiSarahSection C2151944Sarah Aroughetti
    ArouhAbrahamEast section E611963Abraham Arouh
    ArouhVictoriaEast section E611979Victoria Arouh
    ArugetiJacobSection C691952Jacob Arugeti
    ArugetiSarahSection C681945Sarah Arugeti
    AvzaradelAbrahamSection C7181950Abraham Avzaradel
    AvzaradelAbraham ChaquirSection C7191951Abraham Chaquir Avzaradel
    AvzaradelIsaacGrass section D351981Isaac Avzaradel
    AvzaradelLeonoraGrass section D351982Leonora Avzaradel
    AzoseFortunaGrass section D191986Fortuna Azose
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