The Jews of Rhodes

During the past 500 years, the background of the Jews of Rhodes was influenced primarily by the Jews who fled the Iberian Peninsula at the time of the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions.

The descendants of the Jews from Spain are called “Sephardic” Jews, and they spoke the Judeo-Spanish language, “Spanyol” (also called “Ladino”).

Ladino is an ancient form of Castilian Spanish mixed with Hebrew, Turkish, Greek, French, and Italian elements. Unlike modern Spanish, Ladino’s sound system is more conservative. It is written in Solitreo, a cursive form, or in Rashi (Sephardic script), a typeface form of the Hebrew alphabet, and eventually in Latin characters.

During the 1930s, approximately 4,000 Jews were living in Rhodes. At that time, there were four synagogues, two oratories, and a Rabbinical College. Today, due to the deportation and Holocaust, the Jewish Community of Rhodes consists of a handful of people. The Kahal Shalom Synagogue continues to conduct High Holiday and Friday night services when there is a minyan.

The Jewish Quarter of Rhodes (La Juderia) is located in the eastern section of the Old City of Rhodes near the pier of the cruise ships. The Kahal Shalom synagogue and the Jewish Museum of Rhodes are located on Dossiadou and Simiou Streets.

Pamphlets for download: The Jewish Community of Rhodes and The Kahal Shalom Synagogue

The Ladino Language

“Lashon de tu padre.” (Use the language of your father.) 

“Mal yevando, bien asperando.” (Through the bad times, hope for the good times) is a common phrase spoken by Sephardic Jews. It comes from the language adopted by the Jewish community of Rhodes.

When the Jewish refugees fled Spain during the Inquisition, they preserved most of the Spanish language and added portions of other influential languages, such as Greek, Turkish, and Hebrew. Ladino is similar to Spanish since it’s a derivative of medieval Castilian Spanish. Unlike modern Spanish, Ladino’s sound system is more conservative. Printed manuscripts in Ladino utilized the Hebrew or Rashi script characters.  The handwriting is a cursive style called “Solitreo”.

Ladino, “Judeo-Spanish,” or “Judezmo,” is an endangered language that has been revived in recent years thanks to initiatives and programs that preserve the Sephardic heritage.  

Postcards from Rhodes written in Solitreo

Various language styles were used in this 1937 postcard written by Leon Levy from Rhodes sent to Los Angeles.

1931 photograph postcard written by Leon Levy from Rhodes sent to Los Angeles. (colorized)

La Juderia

Images of La Kay Ancha (wide street). It was the main street of the Jewish Quarter in Rhodes.

Street of the Jewish Quarter by Flandin, 1853-1876. (Original lithograph, RJHF Archives)

La Kay Ancha, circa 1910.

La Kay Ancha image from a postcard, Rodi Quartiere Israelita.

Another view of La Kay Ancha.

A postcard of Leon Levi describing the Dante Alighieri library.

La Kaye Ancha (“wide street”) with the old fountain.

The old fountain was later replaced by the seahorse design that still exists today. 

Located at the east end of La Kaye Ancha. This street was called “el espejo” (mirror).

Present Landmarks of the Jewish Community

Around the Jewish Quarter (historically known asLa Juderia”) there are several stone plaque monuments reminding us of the existence of Jewish life in Rhodes. The stone plaques which still exist today are written in Hebrew, Ladino, Italian and French. Many other landmarks have been destroyed by the bombings of World War II and by subsequent changes. Nevertheless, walking around the Old Jewish Quarter today still reveals several interesting landmarks (indicated on the map below).


The “Square of the Martyred Jews”.  Located at the end of “La Calle Ancha“.

The street called “La Calle Ancha” was the heart of the Jewish Quarter and was situated where the residential area ended and the business district started. The main street was known for hundreds of years as “La Calle Ancha” which means “the wide street” in the Judeo-Spanish (“Ladino”) language. The present fountain ornamented with three seahorses replaced a previous fountain that was destroyed during World War II.


Holocaust Memorial; located in the “Square of the Martyred Jews”

The Holocaust Memorial was dedicated on June 23, 2002 in memory of the World War II victims from Rhodes and the island of Cos. The dedication of the black granite column was a culmination of several years of planning by the Greek government in collaboration with the Jewish Community of Rhodes.

The monument is six sided, each having a different language: Greek, Hebrew, English, French, Italian and Judeo-Spanish (“Ladino”). The memorial is inscribed with the words: “IN ETERNAL MEMORY OF THE 1604 JEWISH MARTYRS OF RHODES AND COS WHO WERE MURDERED IN NAZI DEATH CAMPS. JULY 23, 1944.”


Joseph Notrica Donation of 1915; located on the corner of Perikleous & Ikarou Streets

There are a few homes surrounding a courtyard that was donated by Joseph Notrica for the Jewish community. There are two plaques, one on each side of the corner.

Background information: Joseph Notrica was a prominent banker who had no children. The income monies received were designated to help the poor of the community, particularly for needy children. The courtyard has a prominent date palm tree, and it was known to the community as “El Datlar”.


Alhadeff Family Donation Plaque of 1935 in “Ladino” (Judeo-Spanish); located on Calle de los Ricos (#5 Gavala Street)

Background information: this property was donated to the Jewish Community of Rhodes by the well known Alhadeff family. The family previously lived in the building prior to its donation.


Kahal Tikkun Hazot Synagogue; located on Calle de los Ricos (#8 Gavala Street)

The “Tikkun Hazot” was built in the 1870’s and the name comes from the “midnight service” and refers to the services before dawn.

Background information: It is situated on the street known in Judeo-Spanish (“Ladino”) as Calle de los Ricos, because the wealthier people lived on that street. The synagogue was therefore informally called “Kehila de los Ricos” because it was attended by the wealthier families of the Jewish community.


Old Jewish Cemetery; located just outside the wall of the Old City

The cemetery existed there for hundreds of years until 1938, when it was forced to be moved by the Italian fascist government to its present location 1½ kilometers (1 mile) away.


Alhadeff Park; located in the central part of the Jewish Quarter

This park cross-sects (intersects) a main part of the old Jewish Quarter. The street running through the park is called Salomon Alhadeff Street. In 1933 the land was donated to the city of Rhodes by the prominent Jewish family of Salomon Alhadeff.


Kahal Grande Synagogue; located between Calle de Kahal Grande and Calle de la Escola (between Thiseos & Kisthinou Streets)

The full name of the synagogue was the Kahal Kadosh Gadol (the Holy Great Congregation) and was also called Kehila Grande in Judeo-Spanish (“Ladino”). During World War II the synagogue was accidentally damaged by Allied bombings targeting German ships docked at the nearby port.

The remains of the Kehila Grande, including the perimeter, floor and other features can still be seen. The synagogue is believed to have been built in the late 1400’s after the Turkish siege of 1480. It actually replaced an existing Jewish synagogue that was built earlier but destroyed by cannon balls during the conflict of 1480.

Although heavily damaged in 1944 during World War II bombings, the structural walls of the Kehila Grande synagogue remained standing for several more years. During the next thirty years, the walls collapsed and the area filled with rubble. In 2003, the Greek government cleared away the 4 feet of debris which had accumulated exposing the foundation of the perimeter walls, floors and other features.


1904 Dedication Plaque of the Alliance Israelite Universelle School; located in the center of Calle de la Escola (Kisthniou Street)

The dedication plaque above the fountain of the Jewish school of Rhodes is all that exists today. The large two story building was damaged during the bombings of World War II and eventually came down during the 1960’s.

Background information: During an August 1903 visit to Rhodes, the Baron and Baroness Edmond de Rothschild donated 15,000 francs to build the school. The school building was completed at the end of 1904. During the Italian occupation, the school changed its name to “Scuole Israelitiche Italiani“. Different from previous schools in Rhodes, the Alliance school was attended not only by boys, but girls as well. Included in the entryway is a 1913 inscription that recognizes the beneficial deeds of the Italian regional administrator.


Notrica Foundation Community Building; located at the north end of Calle de la Escola (Kisthiniou Street)

Established during the 1920’s this building was used as a Jewish community center for several purposes. This building was donated by the Joseph Notrica Foundation to the Jewish Community of Rhodes. It is now a Greek school.

Background information: As explained by Heskia Franco, in his book the Martyrs of Rhodes and Cos: “The Jewish Community had a fine building, called the Notrica Foundation, a Foundation which was established thanks to the generosity of Joseph Masliah Notrica, our great benefactor. The ground floor was used for overflow classes from our school which was next door. The upper floor housed the Community’s offices and those of the Bene Brith Association, and a vast hall was used for lectures, and also as a meeting place for all Community activities.”


“Puerta de la Mar“; located in the northeast corner of the Old City

Translated from Judeo-Spanish (“Ladino“) “Door to the Sea”. This was a relatively small gateway to the sea and was situated in the northeast residential area of the Jewish Quarter.


The Rabbinical College; located at the end of La Calle Ancha

In 1928 the Rabbinical College was established as the natural need for the development of a center for spiritual learning. The school attracted professors and students from several countries and earned an international reputation. Its graduates have played important roles in several Jewish communities.

During that time it had 4 locations. The first two locations of the Rabbinical College were located in the Old City of Rhodes in the Jewish Quarter while the second two premises were located in the New City of Rhodes.  For a few years (approximately 1929 to 1932) the Rabbinical College was temporarily housed in a building built by the Crusaders, the Hospice of Saint Catherine. This is at the end of “La Calle Ancha” as it was known to the Rhodeslis and this part of the street was called “el espejo” in Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) because it looked like a mirror.


Plaque of 1767; located in the middle of Calle de Talmud Torah (#4 Vizantiou Street)

The small white tablet is located above a doorway located close to the Kehila Midrash synagogue. In this small room was where the community coffins were kept.

Translation from Hebrew: “With a good sign, this 8th day, month of Nisan, year 5527 (1767) from creation of the world.


Kahal Midrash Synagogue; located in the middle of Calle de Talmud Torah (Vizantiou Street)

The Kehila Midrash was built in 1865 by the wealthy Camondo family from Constantinople (Istanbul). It was located upstairs and is the vault area above the street. It is currently a residence.

Background information: it was built with money donated by the wealthy banker, Abraham Camondo. It became known as a synagogue which had shorter religious services than other synagogues.


Kahal Shalom Synagogue & the Jewish Museum of Rhodes; located on Calle de Kahal Shalom (Simiou Street)

The Kahal Shalom, also known as the “Kehila Shalom“, is the oldest synagogue in Greece, and the sole remaining Jewish synagogue on Rhodes used for services. The Kehila Shalom is believed to have been built in the year 1577. The full name of the building is Kahal Kadosh Shalom (the Holy Congregation of Peace).

The interior of the Kehila Shalom synagogue follows the traditional Sephardic style of having the “tevah” (the prayer reading table) in the center of the sanctuary facing southeast toward Jerusalem.  There is also a balcony that was created in 1935, as a result of a liberalization of religious policy, to be used as a women’s prayer area. Prior to that time the women sat in the rooms adjacent to the south wall of the synagogue that viewed the sanctuary through curtained openings. Those rooms are now being utilized for the Jewish Museum of Rhodes.

Present Jewish Landmarks via Google Maps

The Most Common Last Names in Rhodes during the 1920s

Location of Jewish Family Homes during the 1930s up to 1944

La Kay Ancha with the old fountain. Image courtesy of Albert Gabriel, INHA

Many Rhodesli descendants are interested in learning the location of their family home in the Jewish Quarter, also known as “La Juderia.” Therefore, the following five maps (below) have been created to provide that information, despite 70 years having elapsed since the War and many homes destroyed in bombings. Thanks to the former residents of Rhodes, they have recalled these locations during the decade up to the 1944 deportation. The primary sources:  Joseph D. Alhadeff, Stella Levi, Sylvia Hasson-Berro, Diana Galante Golden, and Sara Hanan Gilmore. Other sources include Albert Almeleh, Rosa Israel Ferera, Joseph Natan Hasson, Sami Modiano, David Galante, Albert Menashe, and Morris Barkey.

This “location of homes” project is ongoing. Therefore, if you can share information regarding your family home, please forward it to us so we can try to corroborate it for inclusion when the maps are updated. We hope you enjoy this remarkable insight into how tight-knit this unique Jewish community was.

Important Notice

Use the information on the maps as additional guides only. Total accuracy is not possible since some families changed homes, including business locations during that period. Also, please consider that many photographs with descriptions, including oral histories from the RJHF Archives, came from individuals and family members who have since passed away; therefore, verifications can take time and effort. 

Location of Jewish Family Homes during the 1930s up to 1944

Images of Jewish Homes

Some of the family homes in La Juderia

1930s of the Alcana family. Victoria, Nissim, Viola, Gracia Notrica (holding Victoria’s child) and Lucia Notrica. Boy infront unknown. 

1933 of Sara Benatar Notrica and children: Joseph, Rebecca Buenos and Rachel in their home. Notice the sheshikus on the courtyard.

Vida Piha Menashe and child, Sol Hanan Piha and Jack Halfon on their balcony.

1935 of Norma Menasce and Salvator Capeluto with newborn, Rachel. Notice the decorative embroideries.

Location of Jewish Businesses

The business street used to be called “Arriva del Kadi” by the Jewish community of Rhodes and is now known as Sokratous Street. “Kadi or Kadir” means “Ottoman authority” or “Ottoman official”. It is a long street that connected two sections: the Jewish business section which was located at the lower end and the Ottoman business section on the upper end of the street. The upper Ottoman district included the Turkish authorities, the Turkish library and Soleiman’s mosque.

Circa 1915 of “Tcharshi Kemado” before the fountain was built.

Circa 1920s of Piazza del Fuoco or “El Charshi Kemado” with the view of the Marine Gate. 

Different shops near the Turkish bath (hamam) with the Marine Gate in the background. 

Jewish Shops along Arriva del Kadi (now Sokratous Street). 

4 Views of the Business Square in the Old City of Rhodes

Most visitors to the Old City of Rhodes do not realize the extent of the Jewish presence that existed before the War. This main business square was previously known as “Tcharshi Kemado” and “Piazza del Fuoco.” Many landmarks are now gone making it challenging to appreciate what existed. Therefore, to help people learn of this history, I have prepared these photos indicating the types of businesses and the owners’ names during the 1930s. Thanks to Joseph D. Alhadeff of Brussels, who lived in Rhodes, was the primary source of this information. 

Important Notice

Use the information on the maps as additional guides only. Total accuracy is not possible since some families changed homes, including business locations during that period. Also, please consider that many photographs with descriptions, including oral histories from the RJHF Archives, came from individuals and family members who have since passed away; therefore, verifications can take time and effort. 

1930s Jewish businesses, North Side

1930s Jewish businesses, South Side

1930s Jewish businesses, West Side

1930s Jewish businesses, East Side

Images of Jewish Businesses

Some of the Jewish merchants and shops

Left: 1920s Jewish merchants. Right: Yitzhak Amato (arms crossed), Solomon Behor Amato with a shoe on his lap and Leon Codron, who owned a cartoleria.

1934 Shoe shop of Moshe Hasson. Rebecca Amato and Salvator Galante working at the shop.

Alhadeff banks: Banca Salomon Alhadeff Figli and Banca Isacco Alhadeff

Sample of Business Envelopes and Letterheads

Images of Jewish Landmarks

Kahal Shalom Synagogue

1930s Interior 

1950s Interior 

Present day Kahal Shalom Synagogue

Courtyard of the Kahal Shalom

The Kahal Shalom also known as Kehila Shalom, is the oldest synagogue in Greece and the sole remaining Jewish synagogue on Rhodes used for services up to this day. The synagogue was one of the four synagogues (plus two oratories) in the Jewish Quarter. The Kahal Shalom is believed to have been built in the year 1577. The full name of the building is Kahal Kadosh Shalom (the Holy Congregation of Peace). 

Pamphlet for download: The Kahal Shalom

The Main Jewish Business Square

Previously known as Tcharshi Kemado as well as Piazza del Fuoco. Today it is called Ippokratous Square.

La Kaye Ancha (“the wide street”).

This street was the heart of La Juderia.

The Square of the Martyred Jews

The “Square of the Martyred Jews” (known in Greek as “Martyron Evreon”)

Alhadeff Park

The street running through the park is called Salomon Alhadeff Street. 

Kehila Grande (“Kahal Gadol”)

The remaining structures of the Kehila Grande (Kahal Gadol). Notice on the floor, center right is the rectangular foundation of where the “teva”  was located. The synagogue was accidentally damaged by the Allied bombings during WWII.  

Entry to the Jewish Quarter

This is one of the entries to the Jewish Quarter most frequently used by visitors from the cruise ships.

Puerta de la Mar

A small gateway to the sea that is situated in the northeast residential area of the Jewish Quarter. 

Alliance Israelite Universelle 

The dedication plaque above the fountain still exists at “Kay de la Escola” now Kisthniou Street. 

Jewish Cemetery

The Jewish Cemetery is one of the best-preserved in Europe and contains tombstones from the 1500s to the present. The excavations of tombstones from 1997 to the early 2000s uncovered hundreds of ancient burial stones.

The cemetery is located outside the Old City of Rhodes along the main road to Kallithea. It’s a 10-minute drive from the Old City, and a taxi station is just outside the Jewish Quarter next to the “Marine Gate.”

For information about the tombstones go to: The Jewish Cemetery of Rhodes

Personal Walking Tours
of the Jewish Quarter by Isaac Habib

We are fortunate to have the services of Isaac Habib to provide tours of the synagogue, museum, and the Jewish Quarter of Rhodes. Isaac lives in Cape Town and has a wealth of knowledge and sentiment for the history of “La Juderia” from the Jewish perspective (his family lived in the Jewish Quarter of Rhodes before the Holocaust). Isaac is a poet in Judeo-Spanish (“Ladino”), the ancient language of the Sephardic Jews who lived in Rhodes.

Read: Poemas i Pinturas de Isaac Habib

*Notice: Please note that the tour schedule is subject to change based on availability, holidays, etc. For inquiries and to schedule a group visit tour, please contact: or telephone: +30 22410-22364.

For more info, see the FAQs.  

For books about Jewish Rhodes, see Giftshop.

References: All texts and images are from the Rhodesli Jewish Calendars & the Rhodes Jewish Historical Foundation Archives

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