Re-Dedication ceremony at the Seattle Sephardic Brotherhood Cemetery
Sunday, September 16, 2001 at 10:30AM

New front view of the Nessim and Rosa Alhadeff Memorial Chappel. A few notes:
1. The steps that used to be in front of the
chapel have been removed in order to allow more standing room and wheelchair access.
2. There are speakers above the doorway and in the Cohen Pavilion that allow people standing outside to hear the service being conducted.

An inside look at the chapel.

Picture of mezuzah donated by Daniel Lewis on Dec 12, 2004.
Daniel Lewis, Steve Condiotty, Joe Alhadeff and Steven Muscatel

Pictured at left of the chapel is the Cohen Pavilion. (it is there for them to stand and hear, because of the rules of Cohen's, and has nothing to do with protecting them from the rain.)

Here is a side view of the chapel looking from the parking lot with a washing station to wash your hands before you leave.

The blessing before entering the cemetery is on either end of the memorial plaque wall when you first enter the cemetery.

Here is the English part of the plaque.

Here is the Hebrew part of the plaque.

Here is a view from the back of the chapel which also allows wheel-chair access to the plots.

Joe is thanking Ike Alhadeff for his generous donation and support.

Ike and Joe.

Joe thanked Morrie Piha for the hard work he has done to raise money and to give us the inspiration to take on this awsome project.

Joe is thanking some of the Seattle Sephardic Brotherhood Board of Directors for their help.

Joe is thanking those responsible for the actual work at the site.

Performing the service (from left to right) Aryeh Greenberg, Rabbi Maimon, Rabbi Benzaquen, Rabbi Cohen, Rabbi Greenberg

Treats provided in the Cohen Pavillion looking out over the cemetery.

Ike and Morrie performing the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Our movie photographer, Steve Condiotty.

Some of the people at the event.

Bette, the prowd mother of Joe.
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since September 16, 2001