Kaye Israel’s Pastelikos Recipe
From the Jewish Journal article: Precious Pastelikos by Sharon Gomperts and Rachel Emquies Sheff
2 onions, peeled and diced
2 lb ground beef
5 tsp tomato sauce
a dash of cayenne pepper (or pepper
flakes) and garlic powder
Salt & Pepper to taste
1/4 cup rice
1 egg
1/2 cup chopped parsley
¼ cup water
- Parboil rice. To do so, bring 3/4 cup water to a boil. Add 1/4 cup rinsed rice. Cook covered on stove approximately 10 minutes on low/simmer heat. Rice should be only partially cooked.
- In a large skillet (or electric frying pan) sauté diced onions, using 3 -4 tablespoons of oil.
- Add ground beef and brown.
- Add tomato sauce and spices, Add parboiled rice, followed by chopped parsley. Add water to mixture. Cover and cook on medium heat until all water is absorbed, approximately 35-40 minutes. Add egg to mixture to bind.
While cooking, begin making dough.
Dough (for pastelikos and burekas)
3 cup ice water
2 1/2 cup oil
1 tsp salt
10 – 12 cups flour
1 cup sesame seeds
- Put ice in measuring cup and ice water to 3 cups
- Add oil and salt.
- Incorporate flour into dough as you add it. (Ice cubes will melt and/or will “pop up” and you will remove as dough is mixed.)
- Once dough is ready, prepare balls the size of an apricot for the “cup”, and a ball the size of a walnut for the “hat.”
- Place an apricot-sized ball in the palm of your hand. Use the thumb on your other to form the cup. Fill with conduchu. Then, take a walnut sized ball, dip it in a bowl of sesame seeds, then flatten. Place on top of the filled “cup” (sesame seed side facing out).
- Crimp close the edges. Place in a mini cupcake tin. (helps pastelikos keep their shape).
- Brush with an egg wash (beat an egg with a few drops of water).
- Place on lower shelf in 350°F oven.
- Bake until bottoms begin to turn color (golden), about 20-25 minutes. (This will depend on your particular oven. Keep an eye on them.)
- Move to top shelf until tops are a gold color.
Pastelikos are delicious right out of the oven! (after a few minutes of cooling). They freeze well. Pack in airtight freezer bags or boxes. To enjoy from the freezer, defrost and reheat at 350 degrees in the oven.