Los Angeles: Out to Lunch Bunch on Feb. 28, 2024, at the Del Rey Yacht Club

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Cohen, Hasson, Benveniste, Peha, Soriano, Treves, Fils (Fiss), Mizrahi (Mizraki), Israel, Benon (Benoun), Angel, & Berro Families.

While we recognize the Los Angeles “Out to Lunch Bunch” as a gathering by our “Hermanos” back in the day, we’re delighted to revive this wonderful tradition by welcoming the “Hermanas” of our community. So, moving forward, let’s cultivate friendship through our shared heritage and learn something from one another during these luncheons!

Story of Out to Lunch Bunch

One of my friends asked about this Out to Lunch Bunch “Club.” I said it’s not a Club but a group of men who grew up in Los Angeles. Men whose parents came from the island of Rhodes and Turkey and settled in an area called “The Southwest Part of Los Angeles.” This area is bounded by Santa Barbara Ave on the north, Slauson Ave on the south, Broadway on the east, and Normandie Ave on the west. Many were first-second-and third cousins, and went to the same schools and synagogues. We were a close group. After high school and the Second World War, many of us moved from the old neighborhood, but we always kept in touch.

We traveled, had picnics, played cards, enjoyed each other’s company, and watched our kids grow up together. Every August, many of our families would vacation on Catalina Island which reminded their parents of the Island of Rhodes. And in October, some go to Maui where they bought condos at Whalers Village.

My friend was impressed that a group of men would still be this close after fifty or seventy years. He then asked “what are your dues?” No dues, no fundraisers, no soliciting, just to get together and talk about old times and enjoy each other’s company. After hearing all this, he said “I am going to attend some of your luncheons.”

– Vic Levy, August 2002

 MASHA LA, the Sephardic Out to Lunch Bunch Newsletter

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