Making Meat Burekas

Recipe by Ted Hasson

Bureka meat filling:

Step 1: Preparing the filling (“konducho”) for meat burekas:

Below is a summarized photographic step for making a popular Rhodesli “comida” of meat burekas. On the right column is the recipe and instructions.

1. Ingredients for the filling: ground meat, onions, oil, rice, parsley, egg and tomato sauce.

2. Ingredients for the filling: ground meat, onions, oil, rice, parsley, egg and tomato sauce.

3.  Adding tomato sauce to the meat and onion mixture.

4. Adding rice to the mixture.

5. Adding parsley and egg to the mixture.

6. Final appearance of the meat filling.

7. Ingredients for bureka dough, utensils and kneeding.

8. Dividing dough with scooper and shaping into ball forms by rolling in hands.

9.  Rolling balls of dough into oval shapes.

10. Scooping meat mixture onto flattened oval dough shapes.

11. 11. Folding dough over meat mixture into half-circle bureka shape. Pinching or (crimping) and folding the edge of the bureka.

12. 2. Placing meat burekas onto baking pan. Brushing egg wash and sprinkling burekas with sesame seeds

The finished product. Enjoy!

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