
www.rhodesjewishmuseum.org is a resource page by the Rhodes Jewish Historical Foundation (RJHF), a small 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1997 together with the Jewish Museum of Rhodes by Aron Hasson, a third-generation Rhodesli based in Los Angeles. The website’s purpose is to preserve the unique history of the Jews of Rhodes by providing information to visitors and descendants, now for 27 years.

With the campaign and efforts to preserve the Rhodes Jewish heritage, between 1997 and 2008, the Rhodes Jewish Historical Foundation (RJHF), in collaboration with the Jewish Community of Rhodes (JCR), fulfilled the restoration and expansion project by converting the Kahal Shalom synagogue’s vacant women’s prayer rooms into a museum and the restoration of the ancient tombstones of the Jewish cemetery. In 2006, the Jewish Museum of Rhodes reopened and continues to this day. As the RJHF became a repository of artifacts and images from Rhodesli families, it equipped the Jewish Museum of Rhodes with many historical items, including printed materials for educational purposes. To date, about 200 artifacts from the RJHF Collection have been transferred to the Museum as its permanent depository.

Being a “keeper of memory,” the RJHF continues to fulfill archival and collaborative projects involving research, artifact collection and reacquisition, document transliteration and translation, publication, and traveling exhibitions. These crucial endeavors are made possible thanks to the donations and support of individuals like you, who believe in preserving the Rhodes Jewish heritage for the future.