
*work in progress

Some of the artifacts from the "Jewish Life in Rhodes" traveling exhibit shown in different Rhodesli & Sephardic communities
in the US: New York, Atlanta, San Diego, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle and Berkeley.

1881 Yad (Torah Pointer) with Hebrew Inscription: Gift of Esther Haim Notrica (RJHF Collection). Sefer Torah (Donated by Dan and Barbara Harari, Los Angeles)

1881 Yad (Torah Pointer) and Torah on display at The Sephardic Temple in Cedarhurst, New York, 2023.

1906 Hanukia of the Bellina Hasson Gold Family (From the Hasson-Gold Family, Los Angeles)

The 19th-century Megillah of Yitzhak Hasson and Sarah Tarica was given to their son Moshe Hasson. Moshe’s wife, Jamila (nee Israel) Hasson, and her two children, Caden and David, brought the megillah to New York. Donated by Moshe “Murray” and Randy Hasson of Hawaii.


Kucharera with a filigree cup holder of Selma Levi Mizrahi that was passed down to her daughter, Esther Mizrahi Weissman. (Donated by Maya Weissman Kraft, daughter of Esther. (Levy and Mizrahi families)

1929 Commemorative watch given by the King of Italy to Yacov Pasha Israel (From the Alhadeff and Israel Family of Seattle)


1930s Salomon Alhadeff Family Bank souvenir ashtray from Rhodes. (RJHF Collection)

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