Cara Judea Alhadeff

About the book: Zazu Dreams is a tale about the adventures of a Sephardic boy and his imaginary friend, a malamute husky, as they traverse the globe on a humpback whale across time and space, experiencing the marvels and mayhem of the relationship between humans and their environments (human ecologies). Crossing temporal dimensions and international […]
Micaela Amato

Photo: From the “Ancestral Portraits” Collection by Micaela Amateu (Amato) Artist Statement: “My subjects emerge from my own ancestral diaspora—Sephardi Jews from Iberia, North Africa, and the Middle East in a perpetual state of exile and transition, evoking qasida, duende, and saudade — languages of melancholia and longing — an interconnecting web of the ancient […]