Albert Israel

2023 International Holocaust Remembrance Day: Testimony by Mr. Alberto Israel, Holocaust survivor On January 26, 2023, in recognition of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Holocaust Memorial was inaugurated in the Yehudi Menuhin area of the European Parliament, Brussels. The inauguration was attended by Roberta Metsola, EP President; Isaac Herzog, President of Israel; and Mr. Alberto […]

eSefarad: Noticias del Mundo Sefaradí

eSefarad: Noticias del Mundo Sefaradí is a non-profit project created by Liliana and Marcelo Benveniste from Buenos Aires, Argentina. It started in December 2008 to provide a hub of information regarding the Jewish-Spanish culture that disseminates news, events, articles, activities, customs, and history exclusively on Sephardic themes. It’s made up of the annual conference cycle […]